Informed Delivery | MWI Direct

Informed Delivery

USPS Informed Delivery

The Value of Informed Delivery Informed Delivery can help mailers increase the reach of their marketing campaign through a synchronized physical and digital touchpoint. This feature allows you to: We make direct mail easy for any business with affordable turnkey marketing services. Our direct mail service options help you reach your customers anywhere in the world on any budget. From strategy and design to professional printing and mailing services, MWI can handle all of your direct mail needs at our 125,000 square foot (3 warehouses) campus.

  • Reach engaged consumers. Tap into an engaged user base that delivers higher-than-average email open rates.
  • Increase interaction. Generate multiple impressions from a single mailpiece.
  • Encourage faster responses. Offers, interactive content, and a clear call-to-action to help increase consumer response.
  • Reach customers digitally from their physical address. Expand your reach and audience base.
  • Get more bang for your buck. Potentially increase return on investment (ROI) for your campaign.
  • Measure campaign performance. Gain valuable data insights that can help optimize your marketing spend.


  • Digitally preview your mail and manage your packages scheduled to arrive soon!

  • Check your mail from anywhere on your smartphone, computer or tablet.

  • Track your incoming packages.

  • Interact with your mail and packages on a secure online dashboard.

Value of Informed Delivery

Informed Delivery offers a variety of benefits to mailers who create campaigns.

Build Product / Brand Awareness

Drive Customer Response

Enhance Product Experience

Potentially Increase ROI

Provide Data For Analysis

Create Multiple Impressions

To create a little excitement and incentive for marketers, the USPS is offering a 2% discount on postage for any Informed Delivery campaign mailed through November 30, 2020.

Informed Delivery for Business Mailers

Create Once. Connect Everywhere.

The U.S. Postal Service is enhancing the mail experience nationwide with the Informed Deliver features that provides eligible residential and personal PO Box consumers with a digital preview of their household's mail.

Informed Delivery offers business mailers the opportunity to engage users through an integrated mail and digital marketing campaign that generate additional consumer impressions, interactions, and insights.